Short Books

Through the years, I have written various short books on what I think are important topics. This section has many of them. "Short Books" is divided into sections. You can see the sections by scrolling down. Each section has several short books in it. You can download a book by clicking on its title. Downloads are free. The sections are CHRISTIAN LIFE, DAILY DEVOTIONALS, DEFENDING THE FAITH, EVANGELISM, MARRIAGE AND FAMILY, MORAL ISSUES, SPECIAL DAYS, and SPIRITUAL ROAD MAP. 

Christian Answers Course

The Christian Answers Course book answers some of the key questions people have regarding faith, God and the Bible. 

This will be available for purchase online within a few months. Watch here for more details. The chapters of the book are:

Ch 1 - Does God exist?

Ch 2 - Is the Bible God's Word?

Ch 3 - Who is Jesus?

Ch 4 - Is the Resurrection True?

Ch 5 - If God Exists, Why Do Suffering Pain and Death Exist?

Ch 6 - Has Science Disproved the Bible? Is Evolution True?

Ch 7 - How is Christianity Different From other Religions?

Ch 8 - How Does a Person Get to Heaven?